Eatons Community Association

Working to enhance the community and keep alive the identity of Eaton Socon & Eaton Ford

Photo: St Mary's Church

Advertise in ESCAN

Support your local community and raise your profile in the Eatons by advertising in ESCAN, our Eatons Community Association newsletter.

Our volunteers distribute ESCAN to over 6000 homes & workplaces in the Eatons and outlying hamlets 3 times a year, April, September & December. ESCAN is also placed here on the ESCA website. Adverts contribute to the cost of the newsletter. We do not make a profit from publishing ESCAN - we wish to keep it as a high-quality publication for Eatons residents to read about their local news & services. We try to keep the majority of the content of each issue to be community information and articles - this means that our readership levels are particularly high within the community (and your advert is more likely to be read that way).

You may choose to advertise in a single issue only, or for all 3 issues in the year. Prices shown below are for 1 issue; advertising in all three issues gets a discount of 15%

Size Monochrome Colour
Small box: 4cm x 4cm. Front cover only N/A £40
Small: 1 column, up to 5cm £45 £60
Medium: 1 column, up to 9cm £75 £100
Large: 1 column, up to half page height £100 £135
Half Page £150 £200
Full page £250 £320

Half and full page adverts are accepted subject to there being enough space in the relevant issue.

If you have any queries or would like to book, please email us at Prices are as revised in November 2022 after nearly ten years without increase; existing advertisers who would be significantly impacted will be offered discounts at their next renewal as a thankyou for their ongoing support.

Payment will be required before going to press; if unpaid, ESCA reserve the rights to remove the advert.